Submissions are always open at The Abstractaphy Initiative.
Each published work of poetry and/or visual art appears in at least two of these locations.
- (Always) The Community Voices Blog (the site’s aggregated blog).
- (Always) The Artist/Poet’s personal blog.
- (Curated) The Environmental Outdoor Exhibit Project (EOEP) blog (poems from/about the environment)
- (Curated) aBstractaphy—from the palETTE (a semi-occurring journalette from the pages of The Abstractaphy Initiative. Delivered by email and posted on the site.
We seek art that raises awareness of Global concerns and inspires humanity to work together for the common good. Submissions should consider global issues. There are many approaches to the globe; we’re looking for your unique perspective on the planet and every drop of life on it. We seek works that jar the imagination, inspiring art with potent messages to present to the world.
Submit no more that 3 poems every two weeks to:
- with the subject line – Abstractaphy [Your Name] [Date] without the brackets.
- All text should be in the body of the email. All images should be attachments.
- Include your name and location (city, state, and country) in the body of the email.
- Submission Limits: Submit up to three works at one time. For example, you can submit three haiku in one submission. You could also submit a haiga, a tanka, and a haibun as your submission. Please limit submissions to no more than one every two weeks.
NOTE: The WORD and CHARACTER COUNTS and Image Specifications below.
- Poetry (1500 WORDS or less):
- Flash fiction, article, or opinion (1500 words or less):
- Poems for EOEP consideration, must have a CHARACTER count of 1500 CHARACTERS or less.
- Image Specifications (haiga, photography, etc.)
- Images should be at least 2000 pixels on the shortest side with a resolution of 300 pixels per inch.
Simultaneous submissions and previously published pieces are welcome. The more your message gets spread around, the better. Be sure to properly cite any previous publishers/publications when submitting previously published material.
Please cite sources, when possible, of facts, figures, expert opinions, and other third-party positions used in your works (we want people to know where information and ideas are coming from and where they can learn more).
Biographies: We’re now able to accommodate biographies on your personal blog page. There are a few limitations so please read carefully . . .
- So as not to overload your page, and for consistency, we ask that you keep your bio to no more than 50-55 words.
- Keep your text in one paragraph. Paragraph spacing is not preserved.
- No links!
- Tip. Write in the third person. It’s the accepted form for a biography.
By submitting works to this journal, you attest that all elements of the work are yours (and your collaborator’s if applicable) and that you grant The Abstractaphy Initiative the right to publish the work on this website and in our online promotion efforts and in our email/online journalette, aBstractaphy—from the palETTE. You retain all rights to reproduce and distribute the work, with or without attribution of The Abstractaphy Initiative though we would very much appreciate it.
Note: We will contact you when it becomes time to produce work in physical form (EOEP) and seek your express permission to publish it before doing so, informing you exactly where and how we intend to display your work.