
By: Theresa Cancro
Wilmington, Delaware, USA

the crunch
of gravel underfoot

Wild Violets

By Theresa Cancro
Wilmington, Delaware, USA

wild violets
brushing her cheek
the shadow of a bruise

Selected poem, 7th Sharpening the Green Pencil Haiku Contest, 2018

Sooty Smokestacks

By Theresa A. Cancro
Wilmington, Delaware, USA

sooty smokestacks
where dinosaurs
once grazed

Faint Aurora

By Theresa A. Cancro
Wilmington, Delaware, USA

faint aurora  . . .
a polar bear clambers
onto the shrinking floe


Theresa A. Cancro
Wilmington, Delaware, USA

unmixed oil slicks press against dolphin skin

fall leaves…
a plastic bag gapes
wide as Texas

First published in The Other Bunny, June 11, 2018

Broken Bottle

By Theresa A. Cancro
Wilmington, Delaware, USA

broken bottle
at the end of the path
blue-eyed grass

First published in Plum Tree Tavern, 2015

Crack of Dawn

By Theresa A. Cancro
Wilmington, Delaware, USA

crack of dawn —
fireflies escape
the jar

First published in Chrysanthemum #18, 2015

After the Bomb

By Theresa A. Cancro
Wilmington, Delaware, USA

after the bomb
in each window shard
reflected stars

First published in The Bamboo Hut, February 2024

First Day

By Theresa A. Cancro
Wilmington, Delaware, USA

first day
at rehab
child’s pose

Open Carry

By Theresa A. Cancro
Wilmington, Delaware, USA

sliver moon —
in the dead of night
open carry

Night Heron

By Theresa A. Cancro
Wilmington, Delaware, USA

small silence –
a night heron ensnared
in fishing wire

First published in Plum Tree Tavern, 2015

Landfill Overflow

By Theresa A. Cancro
Wilmington, Delaware, USA

landfill overflow . . .
a praying mantis
bows its head

A version of this haiku was originally published in The Weekly Avocet, #508, August 28, 2022


By Theresa A. Cancro
Wilmington, Delaware, USA

crescent moon –
a scarred manatee 
nurses her calf

First published in Every Chicken, Cow, Fish and Frog: Animal Rights Haiku, Robert Epstein and Miriam Wald, editors (Kindle edition), 2017

Spring Breeze

By Theresa Cancro
Wilmington, Delaware, USA

spring breeze . . .
the beggar and I
share smiles


By Theresa Cancro
Wilmington, Delaware, USA

all the faces
of sunflowers

Air Raid Siren

By Theresa Cancro
Wilmington, Delaware, USA

air raid siren—
a little girl lullabies
her doll