Early Spring
By Neena Singh
Chandigarh, India
early spring . . .
young doves coo
amid war sirens
Chrysanthemum, issue 30, Spring 2023, 15/4/23
Raising awareness of global concerns through a marriage of the arts.
By Neena Singh
Chandigarh, India
early spring . . .
young doves coo
amid war sirens
Chrysanthemum, issue 30, Spring 2023, 15/4/23
Neena Singh
Chandigarh, India
starless night
the abused child’s
blank look
haiku Dialogue, facial expressions- sadness 1.11.23
Neena Singh
Chandigarh, India
sturgeon moon—
a tramp rummages
for his livelihood
HaikuNetra 1.1, 10 September 2023