By Robert Witmer
Tokyo, Japan
new music
a catatonic scale
for the poet’s requiem
we are but clouds
of cosmic dust
collapsing in a dream
apples sweeten
in the shadows
hungry birds
dark secrets
from a broken heart
arctic waters warm
into wine
resource wars
the courthouse
in the pawnshop window
antique scales
and halve nots
taking the last peace
vacuum sealed
the totalitarian minds
of mixed nuts
fanning himself
with a meat cleaver
the butcher sighs
a thin rat
over broken glass
moonlight in a slum
a gravedigger’s fingers
flipping a coin
huddle in spring grass
a church bell
without a tongue
waves leapfrog
the ripping tide
empty pews
dream songs
in night’s chamber
our eyes
glazed donuts
sweetening the whole
each pledge
a bullet whistling
hand over heart
to stop the blood
polished buttons reflect
a make believe sun
ashes remembering books
worn hands
scouring pots
the cold pipes cough
wind-up toy
the high-pitched whine
in war’s broken hands
First Published: Lothlorien Poetry Journal, December 2023