You will Hear

By: ©Noris Roberts
Lecheria Municipio Urbaneja, Venezuela

You will hear that the day is of pearls
and the night a percussion of stars,
that the enemy’s evil plays at misfortune
and sinks its claws into you when you least expect it

You will hear that the weapon of violence
is man’s by nature,
that the blue is just a line in the dawn

You will hear that there are voices that shriek with envy
and pain is forever

You will hear that suffering never finds
the safe conduct of justice

You will hear that freedom is an inverted illusion
that sometimes leads you to doom

Of kindly greens are the mountains covered,
and of dazzling colors of the twilight on the horizon

When the drought cloaks you
with its furious garb, there will always be glimmers
of hope in the reflections of some twilight and in your thoughts

As Goethe wrote, “How blessed is he in whom the fond desire to rise from the sea of error still renews hope! What a man does not know, he needs, and what he knows, he cannot use. But let not fickle thoughts cast their shadow O’er the calm beauty of this serene hour! In the rich sunset, see how brightly it shines.”

Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela – From UN Human Rights Counsil

Carter Center Statement on Venezuela Election

Oirás que el día es de perlas
y la noche percusión de estrellas,
que la maldad del enemigo juega al infortunio
y te hunde las garras cuando menos lo esperas

Oirás que el arma de la violencia
es del hombre por naturaleza,
que el azul es apenas una línea en la aurora

Oirás que hay voces que chillan de envidia
y el dolor es para siempre

Oirás que el sufrimiento nunca encuentra
el salvoconducto de la justIcia

Oirás que la libertad es una invertida ilusión
que a veces te conduce a la fatalidad

De amables verdes están cubiertas las montañas y
de deslumbrantes colores el crepúsculo en el horizonte

Así cuando la sequía te cubra con su furioso ropaje,
siempre habrán destellos de esperanza
en los reflejos de algún crepúsculo
y en tus pensamientos

Como escribió Goethe: “¡Cuán dichoso aquel en quien el afectuoso deseo de salir del mar del error renueva aún la esperanza! Lo que el hombre no sabe, lo necesita, y lo que sabe, no puede usarlo. Pero que los pensamientos volubles no ensombrezcan la calma belleza de esta hora serena. En el rico atardecer, mira cuán brillante brilla”.


  1. Alexander

    This is something special applicable to any country.
    The price that many people have to pay.

  2. Zohra

    Hello thank you
    I pray with you to reach our lost inheritance-humanity.

  3. georgef

    Dear Noris,

    Thank you for your new poem.
    It is very meaningful and does show what you are experiencing in your country.  You have put the ideas across beautifully.

    Kind Regards,
    Vivienne Ball
    New Zealand

  4. Dr Beatriz

    Dear Noris
    Well done. Excellent poem and article.
    It is sad to see how failed Latin countries are.

    Dr Beatriz Copello

  5. pravatkumar


    I read your poems with great respect.
    Your lyrics are a gift for humanity to reach out for peace and fraternity. We tend to confuse ourselves by getting carried away by ego, negativities and destruction.
    Peace is the ultimate choice for humanity to sustain itself in this world and, let me say, in the universe! I sincerely hope that your writings will illuminate the tunnel of darkness. Like a flower, may it spray divine fragrance to fulfill the purpose of social rebirth, fostering peace and brotherhood with the art of expression, perfection and purity.
    Let us plant a tree for each other To create a garden of peace And reincarnate a new one.

  6. Lidia

    An important message is enclosed in this beautiful poem Noris Roberts

  7. Esteban

    Dentro de esta oscuridad que sentimos los venezolanos que seguimos en Venezuela, tus palabras es sol jubiloso para Venezuela Noris Roberts

  8. Teodoro Sebastián

    Grandioso poema Noris Roberts.
    Felicitaciones por tu valentía y sutileza al describir lo que sientes

  9. Teodoro Sebastián

    Excelente poema
    Felicitaciones Noris Roberts

  10. Hamilton

    I love the flow of this poem, so much!!!

  11. Writingucrania

    Excellent Noris Roberts

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